portfolio of
colour essences
This beautiful group of Colour Essences has been created to bring a higher level of thought and to expel all lower level patterning. They help with communication skills and overcome barriers individually and within community. They bring people and their skills together to produce one shimmering Light and to value Heart-Centring. The first five Essences are for individual needs and the next three work individually and with those around us.. They produce Camaraderie and Togetherness, working with consciousness individually and collectively, sharing and caring, with understanding and abundance.
Violet & Red 'Change'
This Essence gives strength when change is presented or needed and opens our minds to the higher direction and perspective. Violet is protective and Red brings passion, determination and positive energy to move forward leading with our Hearts. Change Essence powerfully transmutes the need or desire to Change and leave the familiar to co-create a Life where we will be more comfortable and abundant.
White & Gold 'Balance'
This Essence balances the mind and being, making the space we need for harmonious Balance and centring in our well-being and Heart. White purifies, cleanses and uplifts, Gold transmutes and re-energises, lifting us to a new higher level of equilibrium. A beautiful balancing energy.
Blue & Gold 'Clearing'
This Essence clears out all energy patterning that no longer serves you. Blue is peaceful, calming and healing. The pure diffusing energy with Gold assists in Clearing away the clutter, giving time for ourselves to relax with peace of mind. It is good for our nervous disposition and reduces the impact of trauma, bringing space-clearing on every level.
Orange & Gold 'Delight'
Orange, warm, vibrant and creative, bathes our whole system with optimism, friendliness and humour. Paired with Gold both create 'Delight' and the ability to celebrate Life bringing an optimistic view. 'Divine Joy and Delight' from the Heart.
Magenta & Pink 'Peace of Mind'
Pink is unconditional and compassionate, Magenta gently lifts and transforms to positive thought in the present moment and calms when we are feeling the drama or feel our mind is muddled. This Essence is a great Peacemaker that caresses and nurtures Heart and Soul gently and securely. Peace of Mind brings a settled and orderly outlook, balancing and organising the mind in a peaceful and structured way.
Orange & Lavender 'Radiant Light'
This Essence clears the way for people to communicate freely and openly with ease and comfortableness. Good for families and where there are groups and communities. Very helpful for those who work in the service industry and may come across prejudice, to treat all as equal. Orange is vital for warmth and creative expression and Lavender works with the higher intentions and all possibilities, individually and collectively.
Magenta & White 'Relax & Enjoy'
This Essence opens us up to our Creative Flow, enabling us to join in the fun. The Essence lifts, shifts and removes blockages releasing fatigue and dismantles feelings of restlessness. White and Magenta together bring a higher perspective promoting a mature attitude. Together they create an efficient mind and to enjoy peace and fulfilment in our lives in a caring, grounded and practical way. The Essence balances our own needs with the needs of others.
Pearlescence & White 'Rise to the Challenge'
This Essence brings people together and opens to opportunity. White purifies and enhances spiritual and emotional maturity, the soft frequency of Pearlescence uplifts perspective and observation to put thing right, bringing resolution. Together they work with the higher Wisdom of our Soul, to let go of any paranoid fear as we step forward to embrace new visions of success, clarity of mind by balancing our self-esteem. Rise to the Challenge enables us to think things through, ground new ideas and thought patterns, enabling us to speak freely and expel any information that is not beneficial. It resolves any fear about stepping into new directions and opportunities.