portfolio of
children essences
This range of Essences has been especially formulated to answer the needs of Children and with Clear Light they restore Balance and Harmony, ensuring that the Child's growth and development is supported. As our Children grow in our technological World, they have access to all kinds of information that will enhance their journey. These Essences will help Children encapsulate and adjust to what is required. The Children Essences allow them to breathe gently along their pathways with confidence and enjoyment. They help to embrace fully their true potential and to rise to their challenges with greater ease and grace. Each formulation is resonant with the future of our World and our Children will be here to grow with it. The Essences help our Children in every way to be discerning about their Lives and with the directions they take, harmonising and balancing each step. These special Essences gently harmonise Children in a positive way and enable the parents to feel the benefits as well. The Children Essences can also be taken by adults who wish to nurture and heal their inner child.
Children.... they are our World, they are our future and the future of humanity is in their hands.
Loving Child
This Essence opens the Child's mind to be more willing. Every child progresses along their way in different stages, and Loving Child helps them express themselves in a loving capacity and orderly manner. It guides their Hearts to express themselves fully, so they can be understood and see more clearly. The Essence builds confidence to behave in the right way, to communicate properly and with politeness.
This Essence brings enjoyment of Playfulness, which is a learning tool that is as important as school work. Children develop co-creatively with other Children with social activity and creative play. A bond here is created and increases their potential for teamwork. Playfulness brings an awareness that Children can integrate more freely and play more wisely with others. This Essence gives exuberant energy to dance with Life, it also enables families and friends to open to the energy of play. Learning from play is one of the greatest gifts you can give a Child as it respects and honours their worth.
Journeying through the teenage period, Adulthood allows a Child to reach forward with a smoother state of transition to the adult years. It is an Essence that brings Balance and Harmony to a wonderful time in their lives where the transition, could otherwise be difficult. It integrates the maturity of intellect and the powerful bodily changes that take place before they become adults. Adulthood brings more Peace in this stage of their Lives, relaxing them in a way that is timely and restful, helping with reflection, maturity, wisdom and sensitivity.
Harmony & Perfect Balance
This Essence gently soothes the way for Children who need to feel secure, balanced and loved for who they are withstanding outside influences. It integrates both Harmony and Perfect Balance for a Child to grow, enhancing pride in what they are doing and allows them to take time to enjoy it as well. This helps to restore equilibrium in all areas of their Lives, bringing comfort, calmness and tranquillity.
Ability to Learn
This Essence co-ordinates the mind to be more accurate and helps correct a way of thinking. It activates the Heart Centre to enjoy learning and gives a breath of fresh air to those who find learning difficult. Ability to Learn helps free Children from their worry and personal doubt, whilst opening their minds to a more productive attitude to learning. It encourages confidence and faith in their own abilities and attributes, enriching their Souls to shine in their own way. It brings enjoyment and compatibility with others, enabling them to feel safe within their environment, bringing about a powerful mind transition.
Preparation for the Future
When Children are maturing it is important to stay focused and remain open to opportunity and vision. Preparing for the Future helps the mindset of what is true in their Lives, enabling them to freely express what they want to do in Life and plan ahead. It assists with a mature attitude to plan for their future and heals both mind and spirit to find the right balance of choices made from the Heart with the ability to move through any obstacles. Preparing for the Future steadies Children with courage and clarity, to make the changes they need to, to awaken into their full potential, so they can contribute confidently to their own lives and to the World they Live in.
Helps a child communicate more wisely and with words that resonates more clearly. A disposition of kindness is all you need to get on with people and this Essence opens a Child to be more discerning and to choose friends wisely. Friendliness brings growth, development and confidence to conquer and move through any shyness or barriers they may have. Friendliness eases the way to make friends quickly and easily with compatibility. This Essence clears the air opening pathways that allow friendships to blossom. It creates a foundation for the mind to be free of worry, allowing a child to be connected to their future by releasing any harmful vibrations that may be holding them back. Friendliness always pacifies everyone.
This Essence produces great warmth that enables Children to be polite and kind to one another, giving protection to those who feel undermined. It releases tension and integrates warmth and compassion to all parties, producing Light that encourages friendship and acceptance. Resilience immediately calms Children, bringing confidence and strength to hold their own in any given situation, overcoming any sensitivities they may have.